The Downs GAA will hold their AGM on November 21st in the clubhouse at 7.30 p.m. Nominations and motions to reach the club secretary no later than November 14th.
The Downs LGFA AGM
The Downs GAA will hold their AGM on November 27th in the clubhouse at 8 p.m. Nominations and motions to reach the club secretary no later than November 14th.
Annual Christmas Draw Launched
It’s that time of year again where we launch our annual fundraiser. We have developed fantastic facilities here at Na Dúnta and we need your help to maintain our club and continue to grow. We have fantastic prizes on offer this year wish special early bird draws for those who get their tickets purchased early. Check out the details below and get your ticket in the bag. Huge thanks to all of our generous sponsors in particular QTP and Mills CNC for sponsoring our top prizes.
A fantastic day was had by all today at the Scór na NÓg County Finals in The Downs Clubhouse. The Downs were represented on the stage at Aithriseoireacht/ Recitation,
Nuachleas/ Novelty Act, Ceoil Uirlise/ Instrumental Music, Rince Seit/ Set Dancing as well as 2 teams in Tráth na gCeisteanna representing the ladies and the GAA clubs.
Na Dúnta were beaming with pride today to be crowned County Champions in not one but 4 categories. The Trath na gCeisteanna team were the first to be crowned county champions and they will head straight to the Leinster Final on Nov 30th. Alanna Corroon took home the John Cowley Memorial Trophy for her Aithriseoireacht. The Novelty Act, with Noel Lynam, Trudi Rowan and Grace O'Neill behind the scenes took home first place once again with their fantastic performance. The Set Dancers took home the Moira Bardon Memorial Cup and Na Dúnta were also crowned Club of the year. The Shiels family were unlucky not to qualify for Ceoil Uirlise on the night as we're the ladies quiz team who just missed out on a spot in the final. Congratulations to all the amazing competitors this evening. It was noted that this year's final had the highest standard of competition seen in years. Special mention also to Fear sn Tí Shane King who did a fantastic job once again. Congratulations to the winners who go forward now to represent Westmeath in the Leinster Semi next Saturday in Tullamore
Tráth na gCeisteanna Na Dúnta
Rince Foirne St Mary's Rochfortbridge
Ámhránaíocht Mullingar Shamrocks
Aithriseoireacht Na Dúnta
Bailéad Ghrúpa Moate All Whites
Nuachleas Na Dúnta
Uirlise Ceoil Bunbrosna
Rince Seit Na Dúnta
Club of the Year Na Dúnta
Scór Laighean Scór Iarmhí
Senior B Ladies
Congratulations to Na Dúnta Ladies, who earned a place in the Senior B Final after defeating Coralstown-Kinnegad in this evenings Semi Final. Na Dúnta ladies had a long wait from their last Senior B fixture in July and certainly hit the ground running. A goal from Mary Lynam led to some tit-for-tat points before the Downs started to stretch their lead. Another goal from Annie McDonald sent the teams in at half time Na Dúnta 2-5 to CK 0-4.Coralstown Kinnegad came back energised into the 2nd half, and Na Dunta defence had to work hard to keep them at bay. A few fantastic saves from Shauna Conneely kept the Downs Ladies in the lead. Coralstown Kinnegad came back to score 2-2 in the second half, but it wouldn't be enough to catch the home side as The Downs ran out winners 2-12 to 2-6. The ladies now await the winners of Killucan & St Lomans.
Medal of Bravery
Here in The Downs we are all very proud of senior player Mark Kelly who was presented with a Silver Medal of Bravery award at the National Bravery Awards last Friday. Mark saved a child’s life from a fire last November and was justly recognised for his bravery. Congratulations to Mark and well deserved.
The Downs GAA extend their sympathies to the family of Darren Duncan late of Violetstown, Gaybrook, Mullingar. Ar Dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
Club Shop
For urgent orders please contact Carmel on 0879496347.
Bingo continues every Friday night at 8.30 p.m. All new members welcome.
Club Lotto
We will continue to live stream our Lotto draw via our Facebook page for the foreseeable future. Tune in at 9-30 on each Monday night to catch the draw.
1.Add a discounted bundle to your Downs GAA club membership by clicking here. 2.Play online at our website 3. Play online at Clubzapp 4. Contact your regular draw collector for your area or any Committee member who will enter your numbers on to our Perma Book which is retained at the club. 5. Send a cheque for €100 to club secretary Tommy Kelly, Coralstown, Mullingar (one year’s subscription). 6. Or scan here:
Thanks to our supporters for their loyal commitment to our Fundraising Draw and to those new players who have signed up online and in hard copy.
Keep up to date with club activities There are lots of ways to keep up to date with our activities. Our award-winning website can be viewed at where you can sign up to receive our weekly newsletter by email. Also check us out on Twitter, Facebook YouTube and Instagram.