The Downs GAA Club held their AGM last Thursday November 21st. A full agenda was completed in a very business-like manner with excellent reports presented by chairman, secretary, treasurer and the minor board secretary.
We thank all for their attendance and wish all the incoming committee the best of luck in their roles for the year.
Assistant Secretary, Dermot Power, Treasurer Anthony Rowan, Finance Committee: Deirdre McGuire and Anne Mooney, Development Officer Sean Carroll, Hall Secretary Aiden McGuire, Registrar Paddy Murtagh, IT/Social Media Officer Anne Marie Corroon, P.R.O Emma Murphy, Child Protection Officer Clodagh Donohoe Designated Liaison Officer Denise Doherty/Ed Quinlan, Irish Language Officer: Deirdre O’Connell, Minor Chairperson Paddy Kenny, Minor Secretary Ed Quinlan, Playing Facilities Paddy Kenny, Minor Board Delegates Joe Daly, Ed Quinlan
Committee: Seamus Conroy, Patrick Doherty, Noel Lynam, Kevin Staunton, Joe Lynam, Declan Lynam, Marc Cunningham, Bernie Murray, Tommy Kelly, Dean Clarke, Seamus Conroy, Barry Conroy, Eunan McCormack, Ian Martin
The Downs LGFA AGM
The Downs GAA will hold their AGM on November 27th in the clubhouse at 8 p.m.
Annual Christmas Draw
The time is nearly here for the first of our three early bird draws in our now annual Christmas Draw. All tickets in before Tuesday 26th will be entered in an early bird competition on Thursday 28th do get your entry in quick and fast!!
We have developed fantastic facilities here at Na Dúnta and we need your help to maintain our club and continue to grow. We have fantastic prizes on offer this year so don’t miss out. Check out the details below and get your ticket in the bag. Huge thanks to all of our generous sponsors in particular QTP and Mills CNC for sponsoring our top prizes.
All roads lead to Summerhill next Saturday afternoon where the Downs as well as their Westmeath counterparts contest the Scór na nÓg Leinster Final. We will be represented in Aithriseoireacht, Nuachleas, Tráth nd gCeist and the Rince Seit. Alanna Corroon will represent Na Dúnta in the Aithriseoireacht. Our Nuachleas act consists of Aidan Quinlan, Conor Quinlan Senan O'Neill, Orla O'Connell, Sophie Moore, Ronan Murtagh, Naomi Geoghegan, Aidan Tuite and mentors Trudi Rowan, Grace O'Neill and Noel Lynam. Na Dúnta Rince Seit group are represented by Aaron Connaire, Orla Rijksen, Leah Bardon, Billy Carroll, Bailey Shiels, Caleb Shiels, Conor Cleary & Ellen Connaire and mentors Alice & Brenda Deihy. All three acts will join our Tráth na gCeisteanna team represented by Padraig Monaghan, Oisín McGrath, Aaron Connaire and Conor Daly in the Leinster Final. We also wish Bunbrosna (Ceoil Uirlise) Mullingar Shamrocks (Ámhránaíocht Aonair), St Mary's Rochfortbridge (Rince Foirne) and Moate All Whites (Ghrúpa Bailéad) the very best of luck in the Leinster Final which takes place at 1pm on 30th November in Summerhill. Go n-éirí an t-ádh libh go leir!
The Downs GAA extend their sympathies to the Moloney family on the sad passing of Michael’s mother Eileen late of Liam Healy Rd, Fairhill, Cork. Michael, originally a Cork native has immersed himself and his family into the club in both a coaching capacity and also as a valued member of the committee. We send our deepest sympathy to Michael, Noleen, Sarah, Conor Breige and Michael Jr.
Ar Dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam.
Congratulations to three of our wonderful LGFA underage members Lily Reid, Aoibheann Flynn and Katie Kearns who were all nominated for young volunteer of the year at the Westmeath LGFA awards for their tremendous work in the club. Well done girls and keep up the great work.
Club Shop
The club shop will be open on December 13th and December 20th for all your Christmas purchases. For urgent orders please contact Carmel on 0879496347.
Bingo continues every Friday night at 8.30 p.m. All new members welcome.
Club Lotto
We will continue to live stream our Lotto draw via our Facebook page for the foreseeable future. Tune in at 9-30 on each Monday night to catch the draw.
1.Add a discounted bundle to your Downs GAA club membership by clicking here. 2.Play online at our website 3. Play online at Clubzapp 4. Contact your regular draw collector for your area or any Committee member who will enter your numbers on to our Perma Book which is retained at the club. 5. Send a cheque for €100 to club secretary Tommy Kelly, Coralstown, Mullingar (one year’s subscription). 6. Or scan here:
Thanks to our supporters for their loyal commitment to our Fundraising Draw and to those new players who have signed up online and in hard copy.
Keep up to date with club activities There are lots of ways to keep up to date with our activities. Our award-winning website can be viewed at where you can sign up to receive our weekly newsletter by email. Also check us out on Twitter, Facebook YouTube and Instagram